Monday, May 14

Question: The Natural vs. The Supernatural

I find it ironic that although God is supposed to be responsible for the creation of everything around us -- this entire natural world, any evidence of His intervention in our lives is referred to as "supernatural."

According to the Bible, we were created in His image, and the world and universe surrounding us was birthed from within His mind. It seems to me that if this was indeed the case, His interaction with that world should be the most "natural" thing imaginable.

The fact that we refer to His presence in our world as "unnatural" -- or "supernatural" -- is an interesting indication that we know, on a deep and instinctual level, that God does not belong in our reality -- otherwise why would we perceive His intervention as something contrary to the way the natural world is supposed to act?

If there is a God, we should expect to see miracles, divine intervention and holy signs. It should be an inherent characteristic of our reality. But it isn't. Even believers respond to miraculous intervention as something "out of the ordinary," contrary to normal reality, and not part of the expected definition of our Universe.


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